Striving to bring a giggle and weirdness to your day, this podcast’s mission is to feature fantastic writers whose wonderful stories deserve to be heard in audio. And it feeds my love of telling funny stories about life, befuddlement, and the odd adventures in life. I have an affinity for the funny in the mundane, always have. I cataloged my weird adventures at the gym into a one-woman show that you can watch on my YouTube channel. It’s entitled Does This Happen to You at the Gym. I got a lot of joy out of that, so I began writing about my adventures. There was no way I could write enough for a weekly podcast, so I began telling funny stories by other writers. And I’m still at it.

Sunday Aug 28, 2011
Is She or Isn't She
Sunday Aug 28, 2011
Sunday Aug 28, 2011
The stories today come via a chance meeting at a barbecue a few weeks ago. I told Amy, a local documentary filmmaker about this podcast and she related these stories told to her. Did you ever say something you wished to retract asap or find yourself in a conversation with no graceful way out? You'll sympathize with Dan and Sheila, then.

Sunday Aug 21, 2011
Swedish Fish
Sunday Aug 21, 2011
Sunday Aug 21, 2011
Its funny how a story about signs ended up on Swedish Fish. I certainly didn't plan it that way. It just happened as I noticed signs on my way to work, to the dentist, to the gym and while walking the dogs.

Sunday Aug 14, 2011
Palm Tree Fashion
Sunday Aug 14, 2011
Sunday Aug 14, 2011
Jack and I are not into lawn decoration. But, we have lots of neighbors who are and some decorations are quite unusual. Here are just a few from our last walk around the neighborhood with the dogs.

Sunday Aug 07, 2011

Sunday Jul 31, 2011
Cluck Cluck Here
Sunday Jul 31, 2011
Sunday Jul 31, 2011
I arrived home a couple weeks ago and Jack told me he'd had an adventure. He took me back out to the front lawn where a live chicken rested in a yellow plastic crate with a blanket to keep it comfortable. He found it on our front lawn earlier being guarded by our dog, JJ. We had no idea whose chicken it was. So started the great chicken adventure.

Sunday Jul 24, 2011

Sunday Jul 17, 2011
A Frigate in Your Hair
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
I never go to the OMG site unless there is a headline about a red carpet event with celebrities wearing something unusual or weird. I'm not into online tabloids. But, there is something fascinating about fashion faux pas'. Do you find them fascinating? Let me know.

Sunday Jul 10, 2011
The Rat at the Crosswalk
Sunday Jul 10, 2011
Sunday Jul 10, 2011
Even the rats in our neighborhood practice road safety. No wonder I've never seen any dead rats in the road in our neigborhood, they're too smart to end up that way.

Sunday Jul 03, 2011
Naked Bicyclists
Sunday Jul 03, 2011
Sunday Jul 03, 2011
The Fremont Fair has come and gone for 2011. So, that means I've missed the naked bicyclists again. Its a Fremont Fair parade tradition and you need to see it at least once. When the weather is warm and sunny, you will see a lot more than naked bicyclists at the fair, too. The weather this year was cool and cloudy, so it was a bit dull.

Sunday Jun 26, 2011
What's That Smell
Sunday Jun 26, 2011
Sunday Jun 26, 2011
We had really smelly garbage this week. But I didn't know if it was the regular garbage or the food waste bin giving off the offensive odor. So, not wanting to give each a good sniff test I did nothing just put up with the smell. What's your smell tolerance? Let me know.