Striving to bring a giggle and weirdness to your day, this podcast’s mission is to feature fantastic writers whose wonderful stories deserve to be heard in audio. And it feeds my love of telling funny stories about life, befuddlement, and the odd adventures in life. I have an affinity for the funny in the mundane, always have. I cataloged my weird adventures at the gym into a one-woman show that you can watch on my YouTube channel. It’s entitled Does This Happen to You at the Gym. I got a lot of joy out of that, so I began writing about my adventures. There was no way I could write enough for a weekly podcast, so I began telling funny stories by other writers. And I’m still at it.

Sunday Jun 26, 2011
What's That Smell
Sunday Jun 26, 2011
Sunday Jun 26, 2011
We had really smelly garbage this week. But I didn't know if it was the regular garbage or the food waste bin giving off the offensive odor. So, not wanting to give each a good sniff test I did nothing just put up with the smell. What's your smell tolerance? Let me know.

Sunday Jun 19, 2011
Going Back to go Forward
Sunday Jun 19, 2011
Sunday Jun 19, 2011
I ran into some issues with technology this week. Let me know if you're having these difficulties too, then I won't feel like I'm missing something.

Sunday Jun 12, 2011
Sunday Jun 12, 2011
Sunday Jun 12, 2011
I traveled to LA on business Friday. Went through the new X-Ray machine at LAX, which is sort of like being frisked. I didn't get the pose quite right. You'd think I'd have it down after watching all the TV shows. I thought about all the traveling I'd done over the years and wrote down some highlights. Here they are. I'd love to hear your traveling stories, send them to me.

Sunday Jun 05, 2011
Wrath of the Crow Gods
Sunday Jun 05, 2011
Sunday Jun 05, 2011
Every time we walk out the door, Jack, me, JJ or Benny into the front yard or back yard, we're greeted by raucous scolding by the local crows. We're pursued down the street and dive bombed. All because JJ and Benny killed a crow in our backyard. At least that's what we surmise as this started after the incident. We're wondering if it will ever end, as its been 2 weeks and the crows show no signs of forgiveness.

Saturday May 28, 2011
Tour de Costume
Saturday May 28, 2011
Saturday May 28, 2011
I don't know much about bike racing, like the Tour de France. I know a bit more after watching phase 7 of the Tour of California while eating at a local restaurant. For some reason, fans in funny costumes like to run along side the racers, at least near the end of the race. The costumes are hilarious, its better than reality TV. But, I don't understand why you'd watch a bike race dressed in a toga or run alongside the racers dressed in scrubs. Do you?

Sunday May 22, 2011
Who Put Those Kumquats in my Cart
Sunday May 22, 2011
Sunday May 22, 2011
Several of my friends and coworkers won't go shopping with their significant others or they didn't want to tell me the stories. This episode is dedicated to those who do shop with their significant other including me.

Sunday May 15, 2011
Paint Your Wagon in Italian
Sunday May 15, 2011
Sunday May 15, 2011
Jack and I spent 3 weeks in Italy a few years ago, another opera workshop for me and a screenwriting workshop for him. We lived in Spoleto, a town with medieval and older roots, about 2 hours north of Rome. None of residents spoke English, so lots of cultural immersion. Makes for great stories, after you've walked around town for 45 minutes trying to find the store that sells milk. Its also great exercise.

Sunday May 08, 2011
Bag and Weigh at the Spar
Sunday May 08, 2011
Sunday May 08, 2011
I spent 6 weeks studying opera in Graz, Austria. The highlight of every day was navigating around a city where few spoke English and I spoke little German. I believe this is called cultural immersion. Sometimes it feels like you're drowning and sometimes you get a sandwich and a beer when you just wanted a beer. I still dream about the streetcar automated stop system saying my stop, in German.

Sunday May 01, 2011
Swedish Potatoes
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jack loves that cable show, An Idiot Abroad. It reminds me of my travels in Europe. Sweden is a beautiful country not visited very often by Americans. Potatoes are a staple food, but I didn't know that on my first trip.

Friday Apr 22, 2011
Barney hanging from the Bumper
Friday Apr 22, 2011
Friday Apr 22, 2011
An SUV passed us by the other day, with Barney the plush toy following along behind, attached to the bumper. Jack and I laughed then wondered, what the heck. Why would anyone attach a plush toy to their bumper? I decided to research it and here's what I found, give a listen.