Striving to bring a giggle and weirdness to your day, this podcast’s mission is to feature fantastic writers whose wonderful stories deserve to be heard in audio. And it feeds my love of telling funny stories about life, befuddlement, and the odd adventures in life. I have an affinity for the funny in the mundane, always have. I cataloged my weird adventures at the gym into a one-woman show that you can watch on my YouTube channel. It’s entitled Does This Happen to You at the Gym. I got a lot of joy out of that, so I began writing about my adventures. There was no way I could write enough for a weekly podcast, so I began telling funny stories by other writers. And I’m still at it.

Sunday Nov 07, 2010
Angry Wildlife
Sunday Nov 07, 2010
Sunday Nov 07, 2010
I had more angry wildlife stories than I thought after I read about the kangaroo attack in Australia. Seems jogging isn't as safe as as you think, with angry kangaroos and owls on the prowl.

Sunday Oct 31, 2010
Odds and Ends on Halloween
Sunday Oct 31, 2010
Sunday Oct 31, 2010
Just a bunch of odds and ends this week, short strange tales. If you have any short strange tales, send them along to me. I'd like to hear them.

Sunday Oct 24, 2010
On Location
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
Film shoots on location are always interesting. But, sometimes they just veer off into bizarre.

Sunday Oct 10, 2010
Spiders, Oh My
Sunday Oct 10, 2010
Sunday Oct 10, 2010
I'm afraid of spiders but based on their size. Small ones don't creep me out, large ones do. Its the time of year when spiders are pounding on our door wanting inside. Send me your best spider story, here are some of mine.

Saturday Oct 02, 2010
At the Gym, Part 3: The Steam Room
Saturday Oct 02, 2010
Saturday Oct 02, 2010
More weird happenings in the spa area at my gym. This time, in the steam room. The steam room is my favorite spa area. Its funny I hate humid weather, but absolutely love the artificial steam environment this room.

Sunday Sep 26, 2010
Impromptu Performances
Sunday Sep 26, 2010
Sunday Sep 26, 2010
This week's episode is about unplanned and unrehearsed performances. A surprise to you and others around you. Some embarrassing and some amazing. A special thanks for Suzanne Griscom, The Wordsmith, for her amazing stories. The new look to my site is thanks to the family of raccoons who took over our backyard for 15 minutes one afternoon.

Sunday Sep 19, 2010
Sunday Sep 19, 2010
Sunday Sep 19, 2010
My hip hugger pants almost falling off and watching a movie set in the 17th century a few weeks ago prompted these thoughts about fashion. Feel free to let me know your thoughts about fashion.

Sunday Sep 12, 2010
At the Office
Sunday Sep 12, 2010
Sunday Sep 12, 2010
I usually don't tell stories about my work in the corporate world. But, its been a long time since I worked in Biotech and The Annex Theatre wants office stories for their new late night show. So, here are a couple of my favorites stories from my life working in Biotech. I'm auditioning today with the first story.

Sunday Sep 05, 2010
At The Gym, Again
Sunday Sep 05, 2010
Sunday Sep 05, 2010
More stories from the gym this week including a couple from my friend, Karen.

Sunday Aug 29, 2010
Cats Who Chase Tennis Balls
Sunday Aug 29, 2010
Sunday Aug 29, 2010
This episode is recorded from Wenatchee, hence the sound is a bit different. Jacks says he wanted to try out the mic, we're going to put it back in the box with the note "tinny". I'm taking care of the small farm so more animal stories this week.