Striving to bring a giggle and weirdness to your day, this podcast’s mission is to feature fantastic writers whose wonderful stories deserve to be heard in audio. And it feeds my love of telling funny stories about life, befuddlement, and the odd adventures in life. I have an affinity for the funny in the mundane, always have. I cataloged my weird adventures at the gym into a one-woman show that you can watch on my YouTube channel. It’s entitled Does This Happen to You at the Gym. I got a lot of joy out of that, so I began writing about my adventures. There was no way I could write enough for a weekly podcast, so I began telling funny stories by other writers. And I’m still at it.

Sunday Aug 22, 2010
How To Train your Local Raccoon
Sunday Aug 22, 2010
Sunday Aug 22, 2010
This week's podcast is about masked bandit encounters, otherwise known as raccoons. I'd like to thank Allison Plotch and Jack's friend Gene for contributing their interesting raccoon stories. Jack and I watched a mother and her 4 kits play in our backyard for 15 minutes one gloomy afternoon. A chance daylight encounter. They're cute but a nuisance and perfectly adapted for urban/suburban living.

Sunday Aug 15, 2010
Freeways, mergers and vanity
Sunday Aug 15, 2010
Sunday Aug 15, 2010
I just got stuck in a 10 mile long traffic jam on I-5 on Friday. Brought to mind some of the weird and annoying incidents while driving in Seattle.

Sunday Aug 08, 2010
On the Bus
Sunday Aug 08, 2010
Sunday Aug 08, 2010
I ride the bus everyday. There are some things other riders do which mystify me. Let me know about your bus riding experiences.

Sunday Jul 25, 2010
Automated Soap
Sunday Jul 25, 2010
Sunday Jul 25, 2010
My experience with the newest addition to the automated washroom, the automated soap dispenser.

Sunday Jul 18, 2010
Gifts from the Crow Gods
Sunday Jul 18, 2010
Sunday Jul 18, 2010
Do crows make fun of you? Do objects suddenly appear in your yard as if they've been dropped from the sky? Our neighborhood is full of crows, and here are the stories.